Securities transactions and shareholdings (directors’ dealings)
Dealings in shares, options and derivatives of Hannover Rück SE effected by members of the Executive Board or Supervisory Board of Hannover Re or by other persons with managerial functions who regularly have access to insider information concerning the company and who are authorised to take major business decisions – as well as such dealings conducted by certain persons closely related to the aforementioned individuals – in excess of EUR 5,000 are to be reported pursuant to § 15a Securities Trading Act (WpHG). No such reportable transactions took place in the 2015 financial year.
Members of the Supervisory Board and Executive Board of Hannover Rück SE as well as their spouses or registered partners and first-degree relatives hold less than 1.0% of the issued shares. The total holding as at 31 December 2015 amounted to 0.004% (0.004%) of the issued shares, i. e. 4,585 (4,549) shares.