Consolidated statement of income 2015


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in EUR thousand Notes 1.1. – 31.12.2015 1.1. – 31.12.2014
Gross written premium 7.1 17,068,663 14,361,801
Ceded written premium 2,219,094 1,781,064
Change in gross unearned premium (259,834) (154,362)
Change in ceded unearned premium 3,307 (3,294)
Net premium earned 14,593,042 12,423,081
Ordinary investment income 7.2 1,253,443 1,068,361
Profit/loss from investments in associated companies 7.2 19,169 1,042
Realised gains and losses on investments 7.2 135,847 182,453
Change in fair value of financial instruments 7.2 901 (33,257)
Total depreciation, impairments and appreciation of investments 7.2 38,098 27,558
Other investment expenses 7.2 101,202 95,256
Net income from investments under own management 1,270,060 1,095,785
Income/expense on funds withheld and contract deposits 7.2 395,033 376,056
Net investment income 1,665,093 1,471,841
Other technical income 7.3 1,290 1,641
Total revenues 16,259,425 13,896,563
Claims and claims expenses 7.3 11,075,407 9,464,172
Change in benefit reserves 7.3 101,157 28,625
Commission and brokerage, change in deferred acquisition costs 7.3 2,918,429 2,579,368
Other acquisition costs 5,652 4,878
Other technical expenses 7.3 1,348 7,461
Administrative expenses 7.3 398,512 363,859
Total technical expenses 14,500,505 12,448,363
Other income and expenses 7.4 (3,684) 18,190
Operating profit/loss (EBIT) 1,755,236 1,466,390
Interest on hybrid capital 6.12 84,316 95,720
Net income before taxes 1,670,920 1,370,670
Taxes 7.5 456,207 305,563
Net income 1,214,713 1,065,107
Non-controlling interest in profit and loss 6.14 63,988 79,458
Group net income 1,150,725 985,649
Earnings per share (in EUR) 8.5
Basic earnings per share 9.54 8.17
Diluted earnings per share 9.54 8.17
in EUR thousand Notes 1.1. – 31.12.2015 1.1. – 31.12.2014
Gross written premium 7.1 17,068,663 14,361,801
Ceded written premium 2,219,094 1,781,064
Change in gross unearned premium (259,834) (154,362)
Change in ceded unearned premium 3,307 (3,294)
Net premium earned 14,593,042 12,423,081
Ordinary investment income 7.2 1,253,443 1,068,361
Profit/loss from investments in associated companies 7.2 19,169 1,042
Realised gains and losses on investments 7.2 135,847 182,453
Change in fair value of financial instruments 7.2 901 (33,257)
Total depreciation, impairments and appreciation of investments 7.2 38,098 27,558
Other investment expenses 7.2 101,202 95,256
Net income from investments under own management 1,270,060 1,095,785
Income/expense on funds withheld and contract deposits 7.2 395,033 376,056
Net investment income 1,665,093 1,471,841
Other technical income 7.3 1,290 1,641
Total revenues 16,259,425 13,896,563
Claims and claims expenses 7.3 11,075,407 9,464,172
Change in benefit reserves 7.3 101,157 28,625
Commission and brokerage, change in deferred acquisition costs 7.3 2,918,429 2,579,368
Other acquisition costs 5,652 4,878
Other technical expenses 7.3 1,348 7,461
Administrative expenses 7.3 398,512 363,859
Total technical expenses 14,500,505 12,448,363
Other income and expenses 7.4 (3,684) 18,190
Operating profit/loss (EBIT) 1,755,236 1,466,390
Interest on hybrid capital 6.12 84,316 95,720
Net income before taxes 1,670,920 1,370,670
Taxes 7.5 456,207 305,563
Net income 1,214,713 1,065,107
Non-controlling interest in profit and loss 6.14 63,988 79,458
Group net income 1,150,725 985,649
Earnings per share (in EUR) 8.5
Basic earnings per share 9.54 8.17
Diluted earnings per share 9.54 8.17