3.1 Changes in accounting policies
With effect from the first quarter of 2015 Hannover Re extended its estimation methods to include an additional subportfolio. This extension, which relates to estimated amounts from reinsurance treaties that have not yet been brought to account and the deferral thereof, helped to improve the accuracy of estimation. This represents a change in an accounting estimate, which pursuant to IAS 8 “Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors” is to be performed prospectively in the period under review without restatement of the comparative figures for previous periods. Retention of the parameters and methods used until 31 December 2014 would have reduced the gross premium by EUR 89.8 million, the net premium earned by EUR 28.7 million and the operating profit (EBIT) by EUR 15.1 million in the year under review. The effects of this restatement in future reporting periods could only be determined with disproportionate effort.